Workshop on Bridging the Knowledge Gaps of Screen Media Entrepreneurship and Research
ScreenME-Net first online workshop organized by LUT University and Jönköping University focuses on addressing persisting knowledge gaps concerning screen media entrepreneurship and co-creating relevant research ideas and solutions for better collaboration among industry and academia.
The first day of the online workshop gathers together practitioners and researchers with presentations of media professionals from Finland and Sweden focusing key topics that need further attention from the academia.
The presenters include:
- Johanna Nylander, responsible for policy and society at Dataspelsbranchen (Sweden’s association for game developers)
- Henrik Selin, Strategist at SVT (Sverige Television, Sweden’s national television broadcasting company)
- Jukka Niva, Head of Yle News Lab at the Finnish Broadcasting Company
- Aino Heikkonen, News Producer in the biggest regional media company Keskisuomalainen (She won the” Great Journalist 2020” award in the category” best journalistic boss”).
- Elina Kukkonen, Senior Vice President, Communications and Brand, Alma Media Corporations
The presentations are followed by panel discussion with focus on the companies’ vision and future expectations toward collaboration with research institutes.
The second day is dedicated to discussions on how to turn research collaboration into win-win partnerships between academia and business.
These topics will be developed further at the follow-up workshop held in Jönköping in October 2021.